Radio Interview

How schools and colleges are adjusting to COVID restrictions || 1300 WOOD Grand Rapids, Michigan || 4/5/21

Dr. James Hurley, President of Tarleton State University in Fort Worth, Texas on NewsRadio 1300/106.9 WOOD broadcasting in Grand Rapids-Muskegon, Michigan via Fox News Radio.

As Tarleton’s chief executive officer, Dr. Hurley supervises 1,400 employees, manages a $185 million annual budget and provides vision for a comprehensive curriculum to serve more than 13,000 students across the state and online.

For more information on Tarleton State University, visit our website!

✔ 1300 WOOD Social Media

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Radio Interview

College applications pour in as schools waive SAT and ACT requirements || WWNC Asheville, North Carolina || 4/5/21

Dr. James Hurley, President of Tarleton State University in Fort Worth, Texas on News Radio 570 WWNC broadcasting in Asheville-Greenville, North/South Carolina via Fox News Radio.

As Tarleton’s chief executive officer, Dr. Hurley supervises 1,400 employees, manages a $185 million annual budget and provides vision for a comprehensive curriculum to serve more than 13,000 students across the state and online.

For more information on Tarleton State University, visit our website!

✔ 570 WWNC Social Media

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Radio Interview

How COVID-19 has changed the college admissions process || 97.7 WTKS Savannah via Fox News Radio || 4/5/21

Dr. James Hurley, President of Tarleton State University in Fort Worth, Texas on NewsRadio 97.7 WTKS broadcasting in Savannah-Hilton Head, Georgia/South Carolina via Fox News Radio.

As Tarleton’s chief executive officer, Dr. Hurley supervises 1,400 employees, manages a $185 million annual budget and provides vision for a comprehensive curriculum to serve more than 13,000 students across the state and online.

For more information on Tarleton State University, visit our website!

✔ 1290 WTKS Social Media

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Radio Interview

Will COVID permanently change the college admissions process? || 820 WBAP Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas || 3/23/21

Dr. James Hurley, President of Tarleton State University in Fort Worth, Texas LIVE on News Talk 820 WBAP broadcasting in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas.

As Tarleton’s chief executive officer, Dr. Hurley supervises 1,400 employees, manages a $185 million annual budget and provides vision for a comprehensive curriculum to serve more than 13,000 students across the state and online.

For more information on Tarleton State University, visit our website!

✔ News Talk 820 WBAP Social Media

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Radio Interview

Will COVID eliminate SAT and ACT test requirements for good? || 93.5 WSJK Champaign-Urbana, Illinois || 3/23/21

Dr. James Hurley, President of Tarleton State University in Fort Worth, Texas LIVE on 93.5 WSJK broadcasting in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois.

As Tarleton’s chief executive officer, Dr. Hurley supervises 1,400 employees, manages a $185 million annual budget and provides vision for a comprehensive curriculum to serve more than 13,000 students across the state and online.

For more information on Tarleton State University, visit our website!

✔ 93.5 WSJK Social Media

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Radio Interview

Discussing the new grant to help worker displaced by COVID as well as assist students get their undergrad || 1080 KRLD Dallas || 1/14/21

Dr. James Hurley, President of Tarleton State University in Fort Worth, Texas LIVE on Newsradio 1080 KRLD broadcasting in Dallas, Texas.

As Tarleton’s chief executive officer, Dr. Hurley supervises 1,400 employees, manages a $185 million annual budget and provides vision for a comprehensive curriculum to serve more than 13,000 students across the state and online.

For more information on Tarleton State University, visit our website!

✔ 1080 KRLD Social Media

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Radio Interview

Will Joe Biden forgive student debt? || 550 WDUN via Fox News Radio || 12/21/20

Dr. James Hurley, President of Tarleton State University in Fort Worth, Texas on Newsradio 550 WDUN via Fox News Radio

As Tarleton’s chief executive officer, Dr. Hurley supervises 1,400 employees, manages a $185 million annual budget and provides vision for a comprehensive curriculum to serve more than 13,000 students across the state and online.

For more information on Tarleton State University, visit our website!

✔ 550 WDUN Social Media

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Radio Interview

Are grandparents taking out loans for student debt? || 1140 WRVA via Fox News Radio || 12/21/20

Dr. James Hurley, President of Tarleton State University in Fort Worth, Texas on Newsradio 1140 WRVA via Fox News Radio

As Tarleton’s chief executive officer, Dr. Hurley supervises 1,400 employees, manages a $185 million annual budget and provides vision for a comprehensive curriculum to serve more than 13,000 students across the state and online.

For more information on Tarleton State University, visit our website!

✔ 1140 WRVA Social Media

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Radio Interview

What would student debt forgiveness look like? || 600 KOGO via Fox News Radio || 12/21/20

Dr. James Hurley, President of Tarleton State University in Fort Worth, Texas on Newsradio 600 KOGO via Fox News Radio

As Tarleton’s chief executive officer, Dr. Hurley supervises 1,400 employees, manages a $185 million annual budget and provides vision for a comprehensive curriculum to serve more than 13,000 students across the state and online.

For more information on Tarleton State University, visit our website!

✔ 600 KOGO Social Media

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